The Great British Sandwich We all know them, those oddly uniformly looking triangular pieces of bread with some indistinguishable filling and – if you’re lucky – a few green bits (1 of your 5 a day!). Every shop has them,
Back in the day, the high street was the place to go. It was a place for specialist shops with knowledgeable staff, and anyone looking for quality products went there to do their shopping. This was before the digital age,
Smart: Focusing on customer retention rather than customer acquisition. The well known Pareto principle (e.g. the Gartner Group) states that 20% of your customers drives as much as 80% of total revenue. Stupid: Chasing the bargain-hunters. Customers who came to your shop
We all know that getting customers is difficult, and that keeping them is an even bigger challenge. But there are a few things that help – and in our day and age we can put them into two categories, physical and