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Digital Loyalty

Points and Rewards

Integration features:

  • Fast customer sign up via the Clover Register or Sales app
  • Automatic loyalty point allocation and reward redemption
  • Customers payment card can act as their loyalty card
  • Customers created and managed from Loyalzoo are automatically synced with Clover contacts
  • Supports multiple locations – points are shared among different stores
Loyalzoo Prime Loyalty logo

Prime Loyalty

Memberships & Recurring Payments

Integration features:

  • Set up memberships directly from your Clover POS
  • Payments are executed using Clover, via your existing card processor
  • Use the card-on-file feature to pay for your customer’s Clover order
  • Customer-syncing. Customers registered via Loyalzoo will appear in your Clover Customers CRM
  • Automatic member discounts

Not available in Europe.

Lucky Rewards

Surprise & Delight

Integration features:

  • Randomized lucky rewards that print via your Clover receipt printer
Todd King

"Get this app. Your customers will love it too!​"

Loyalzoo is the most important marketing tool we use for our business. Our customers love that the app tracks their points and shows them their reward. Every time they make a purchase, it immediately texts the customer to let them know how many points they earned. It makes a small business look like and act like a big business.

What pays for the software over and over is the ability to send a text blast to your customers at the perfect time you want them to come to your business. We like using the Double Points that is built right into the Loyalzoo system. You just set how long you want to run Double Points and let your customers know. We always get large amounts of customers when we run this promotion.

By far though, the absolute best part about Loyalzoo is their customer service. They were able to switch us over from our old system the same day and they are always there to support you should you need something.

Todd King
Owner, Big Red Treats

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