Unbranded vs Branded Apps

Imagine having your own app. With your design, your own branding, customised features; everything exactly how you want it to suit your business. The perfect app for your perfect shop or restaurant. An app downloaded and raved about by every single of

9 Tips to Improving Customer Retention

Repeat business is great for any store – but it is easy to let focus on getting new customers take over. By focusing on your existing customers you can grow your business without spending your entire budget. So how do you make sure your customers

Apps collecting personal details

Apps – Little Brother Watching You?

Anyone who has read George Orwell’s classic dystopia 1984 knows what Big Brother means. Anyone else has probably heard the term – if nothing else in relation to the experimental tv-show bearing the same name. ‘Big Brother is watching you’

Pub in Britain

Public Houses : A British Institution Going Downhi...

The last few decades have seen a rapid decrease in the number of pubs around our fair isles. A fresh report from Camra, Campiagn for Real ale, suggests that as many as 31 pubs close down every week. And the

Friends having a drink

Fact: Customers Want Loyalty Programs

One simple, irrevocable fact of human psyche is that we love a bargain and a saving. This is why loyalty programs and discount systems are so popular – but not all are equally profitable for a business.

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