Turn loyal customers into pay-in-advance subscribers

Secure guaranteed recurring revenue with Prime Loyalty

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Subscribe hand

Customers paying a subscription for one of your products or services will choose you every time over your competitors

Say "goodbye" to payment cards and "hello" to recurring revenue

Enjoy the convenience of storing payment cards to easily set up recurring payments and process one-time payments using the card on file. All within the security of PCI compliance.
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Stay on top of your payments

Stay on top of your payments

Easily track visits or used member benefits. And let Loyalzoo take care of your customers’ declined and expired cards automatically.

Your all-in-one solution

Whether in-store or online, with our smart website integration you can sell your memberships anywhere at any time.

Your all-in-one solution
Engaged customers are happy customers!

Engaged customers are happy customers!

Email receipts are sent automatically after each payment. Keep your members up to date with blast marketing promotions or offer special discounts for paying members.

How businesses are using subscriptions to secure customer loyalty

With memberships & recurring payments, your customers pay to be your VIP's

Designed for
café/juice bars
hair/beauty salons
retail stores
dental/medical practices
golf clubs
fitness studios
vet clinics
pet grooming


The Loyalzoo software works seamlessly on any device including computer, tablet or smartphone BUT it works even better with our integrated POS solutions.

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Customer service is top notch

For about the first year of our wine clubs I meticulously keyed in each payment information of the approximately 60 members on the first day of each month, paying close attention to who was in which club, and what perks they received. I also kept meticulous spreadsheets of who had or had not received their wine and/or used their perks. It was, to put it mildly, the worst.

Then we found Loyalzoo and the grey skies lifted to sunny days. Not only did they help us automate payments, they have options to track fulfillment as well as rewards. Three nightmarish headaches solved in one fell swoop. Plus, their customer service is top notch. I’ve never waited more than a few minutes to hear back about any issue I’ve had. They are even kind when the issues are of my own making. Imagine that!

Sarah Medcalf
Manager, Top Ten Wines

It's easy to get set up!

Start today, your customers will love you for it.

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